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Application Review Order Form

Karen’s thorough review includes finding and removing your most costly application errors, editing your primary application essay(s), clarifying and strengthening activity descriptions, and more.

You get all of the following:

  • Thorough review of your primary application

    • Content evaluation and editing of all sections, including...

      • Activity descriptions

      • Meaningful experiences

      • Personal statement

      • Additional essays

    • Grammar, punctuation, and syntax correction

  • Multiple iterations of revisions until our team says it's ready to submit

  • BONUS: Personal Statement Perfecter mini course ($197 value)


"Karen was instrumental in helping me create an excellent application, something I would not have been able to do on my own, allowing me to continue on to my future goals and career."

- Charlie H.


"The application process for medical school is so daunting. I didn't really know how to approach any of it. I was so happy when a friend of mine recommended Karen to me. From her detailed review of my application to a mock interview, I never felt unprepared from that point forward. I've been recommending Karen to everyone ever since.”

- Megan T.

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