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Essay Development Order Form

Receive comprehensive, personalized guidance from Karen using her proven process and unlimited revisions of your primary application essays.

You get all of the following:

  • One-on-one correspondence to develop personal statement and other essays (TMDSAS)

  • Access to Personal Statement Perfecter - our tool to writing a phenomenal personal statement

  • Multiple iterations of revisions until our team says it's ready to submit


"Karen was instrumental in helping me create an excellent application, something I would not have been able to do on my own, allowing me to continue on to my future goals and career."

- Charlie H.


"The application process for medical school is so daunting. I didn't really know how to approach any of it. I was so happy when a friend of mine recommended Karen to me. From her detailed review of my application to a mock interview, I never felt unprepared from that point forward. I've been recommending Karen to everyone ever since.”

- Megan T.

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