We help hard-working undergrad students get to the next stage in their education...
Are you planning to go to professional school after college?
“Matriculation” means to be formally admitted to study at a university or college.
And undergrad is one thing... but medical school (or dental or even law school) is something entirely different.
The stakes are higher. The competition is fierce.
And your future career is on the line.
It's more than just good grades and high test scores. There's an entire application and interview process that challenges even the best students to their core.
I get it. The application process is overwhelming -- especially when you're already at max capacity with your classes. And with so much confusing information floating around, it’s hard to know what to do next...
The process shouldn't be so confusing.
And with me on your team, it won’t be. Since 1999, I’ve worked with over 8,000 students just like you to achieve their goals without all the drama and confusion and stress. I’ve taken all the information needed to matriculate into professional school and broken it down into simple steps anyone can follow.
My students have a 93% matriculation rate, whereas the national average is only 45%.
Source: PubMed, NIH National Library of Medicine (Ref.)
I'm Karen Hudson.
For the past 25 years I've been OBSESSED with helping my students get into professional school. But it's not easy. Premed and pre-dent (and yes, pre-law) are tough, and the application process is highly competitive and overwhelming for most people. I get it. I really do.
In fact, I’ve helped thousands of undergrads matriculate to top schools in Texas, Arizona, California, Washington, Wisconsin, North & South Carolina, Illinois, and many other states.
It’s more than the numbers; more than a high GPA or MCAT or DAT or LSAT score. It’s more than writing a good essay or personal statement; more than presenting confidently in admissions interviews...
In fact, the reason my students get so much better results (my personal students have a 93% matriculation rate) is that we have “zoomed out” and created a complete “A-Z” strategy that covers every step required to succeed.
It doesn't matter if you're just starting out, or you have already been on this journey for a while... My system works!
“Karen was instrumental in helping me create an excellent application, something I would not have been able to do on my own, allowing me to continue on to my future goals and career.”
2023 matriculated student
You're in the right place -- let's get started!
My team and I are here to help you navigate this process step-by-step, without overwhelm or stress or wasting any unnecessary time, so you can greatly improve your odds of being accepted into professional school… and ultimately become the physician (or dentist or lawyer or veterinarian) you've always wanted to be. ❤️
Organizing your undergrad prerequisites
Creating your own custom study plans and setting up more efficient study habits
Gaining internships or field experience, and boosting your résumé (or portfolio) outside the classroom
How to demonstrate your leadership skills to the admissions board
And of course, we go deep on the actual application process itself! How to craft a winning essay, developing memorable interview skills, and nailing the follow-up, so your personality shines through and you naturally stand out from the competition.
We offer a mix of group courses and one-on-one consulting services. Every case is different, and that's why I always recommend students book a phone call with my team to go over your specific situation. That way, we can make the best recommendation for you and your family.
Want to know how competitive you are? Schedule a Consultation with My Team
We call this our "Applicant MRI." And just like a regular MRI gives you an inside look at what's going on inside your body, our Applicant MRI is where we take a look at your personal academic history, experience, strengths and weaknesses to gain an understanding of your competitiveness right now as an applicant.
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